Sea turtles have graced the earth for 100 million years, making them one of the oldest reptiles still alive today. They have long been revered for their beauty and magical features; however, many humans have been ignorant in preserving these beautiful creatures. One of the most threatened sea turtle species is the Hawksbill turtles, with their population declining by 80% during the last century.
Named by their narrow, pointed beak, Hawksbill sea turtles help the marine ecosystems they inhabit by feeding on coral predators, like sponges. The hawksbill turtle is instrumental in maintaining the health of coral reefs and the ocean’s ecosystem, so their endangerment is detrimental to the overall health of the ocean,
Since the 1970s, Hawksbill sea turtles have been threatened by pollution, coastal development, and most importantly, the wildlife trade. Despite regulations through the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and many national laws, the sale of tortoiseshell in many Eastern Asian markets is still prevalent. Another issue that threatens these sea turtles is their unintended capture in fishing gear. Commonly used fishing hooks, gillnets, and line fisheries can hook onto these Hawksbill sea turtles and cause death or other sustaining injuries.
Although these sea turtles have significantly declined in population, there is still hope for them. Many organizations, like WWF, are trying to combat the endangerment of these sea turtles by reducing sea turtle bycatch and implementing new sea turtle-safe hooks for fisheries.
The number of Hawksbill sea turtles is small compared to its original population size, but it is not too late to fight back these inhumane practices that limit the number of these turtles. We can raise awareness about these practices and help save the hawksbill turtles.