Stanleys: Sustainable or just SUS?

Hey there eco-warriors! What’s your go-to beverage buddy these days? For many it’s our trusty Stanley cups. Those sleek, insulated thermos that keep our drinks at the perfect temperature and carry all the water that we need, is especially useful for our L’ville athletes!

Stanley cups were originally created to support the mission of sustainability, but they have now led to overconsumption, raising concerns about their environmental impact. Undoubtedly, they are a sustainable alternative to plastic water bottles, and will reduce the amount of plastic in the oceans and landfills. However, if consumers buy new Stanley cups for the sake of keeping up with the trend, will the positive environmental impacts of using this sustainable thermos decrease? 

Stanleys are made of metal which is a sustainable material as it is reusable, but to fabricate a Stanley with all of its plastic and metal requires a lot of fossil fuel consumption and entails a significant amount of greenhouse gasses being emitted. The New York Times reports that “when compared to plastic, the production of stainless steel bottles requires seven times the amount of fossil fuel, [and] emits 14 times more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.”

In the current craze to acquire multiple Stanleys in different colors to “match outfits, nail polish, or moods,” this overconsumption not only diminishes the positive environmental impact that Stanleys were designed to have but also increases the emissions of greenhouse gasses and reliance on fossil fuels during production. We have to reduce our consumption of Stanleys to help the Earth. Instead of buying multiple Stanleys, consider choosing just one in your favorite color and commit to it for years to come. This mindful choice will benefit both the planet and your wallet. Let’s raise our single, cherished Stanleys to sustainability and responsible consumption!


The VILLEage Green