To promote sustainability in the dorms during Sustainuary, the Sustainability Council launched a new event this winter: the House recycling competition. Some events that were a part of this competition include having a feed with reusable utensils and plates, decorating the recycling bins, and being sustainable at the Bathhouse. Participants submitted pictures of their sustainable actions and had the opportunity to win House points. Raymond Sustainability Representative Matthew Fu ’27 thinks that the competition was a great way to promote sustainability, commenting that “we all have a responsibility to limit our environmental impact, even if it is as small a place as a House.” Dawes Representative Audrey Shueh ’27 added on, saying that “the competition was a great way to increase sustainability on campus while also building community.” Thanks to this competition, many houses have acquired things like reusable plates or forks to use instead of disposable ones. Both Stephens and Dawes had feeds featuring reusable plates. Sonia Shum ’27 thought that events like the sustainable feed were “a step to Lawrenceville becoming more sustainable.” Even small things like House feeds can be a way to contribute to a more sustainable community.
In addition to the House events, Sustainability Council has collaborated with others on campus to host the Trashion Show, Big Red Gala, Artist Workshop, and more. Sustainuary has seen great success in promoting sustainability in Lawrenceville, and although the month is complete, the Sustainability Council hopes that the events inspired students to be environmentally friendly all months of the year.