Recently, the Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation (Transco) came up with a new proposal for a natural gas pipeline, creating conflict between those for and against the idea. Gas pipelines are networks of pipes that move gas from place to place. Natural gas, a non-renewable source of energy, is often used for necessary appliances like heat and electricity, which is why Transco introduced this idea.
Although the pipeline offers an accessible way to obtain natural gas, it is not sustainable by any means. When natural gas is burned, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses are emitted into the air, causing the absorption of radiant energy and an increase in temperature. The greenhouse effect is one of the main contributing factors to climate change, and using energy sources like natural gasses contributes to this global warming issue. In fact, The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) “issued a draft environmental impact statement for the project” which stated the pipeline would “produce 16.6 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year.” The pipeline would cause more harm to the environment as it would be emitting extreme amounts of greenhouse gasses, directly contributing to global warming and climate change as a whole. Therefore, although the Transco pipeline allows for more energy, the use of natural gas is unsustainable if New Jersey wants to fight climate change.
Additionally, New Jersey has a large enough supply of natural gas to last about a decade, which should be enough time for the state to start using other, more sustainable, sources of energy. In his article on the Transco pipeline, reporter Ethan Howland stated that “New Jersey is well-positioned with available interstate pipeline supply beyond 2030,” proving that the state doesn’t even need this pipeline for another decade or two. Howland also mentioned New Jersey’s goal of having emissions-free energy by 2050, which shows that there is no point in installing a new pipeline if the state will want to remove it in the future. The existing pipeline will work through 2030, and by not installing the Transco pipeline, New Jersians will have to start accustoming themselves to using renewable, emissions-free energy, sooner. New Jersey has an opportunity to become less reliant on a non-renewable energy source, and by not installing this pipeline, the state will be closer to its goal of relying on emissions-free energy by 2050.
Although some might argue that renewable energy sources like solar panels and windmills are too expensive to rely on for everyday use, by agreeing to not invest in a costly project like the Transco pipeline, the state could invest in more renewable energy sources.
The Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company is invested in their pipeline because they are looking to profit off of this expansion financially. The pipeline would benefit them economically, but New Jersey’s environmental status will suffer drastically in years to come. Renewable energy sources may be costly in the short-term but are less expensive and much more sustainable for the long term.
As Lawrentians, we live in New Jersey for most of the year, and in order to ensure the happiness and stability of future Lawrentians, we should be concerned about the impact of this pipeline on the environment. Actions like informing others about new concerns or using less energy yourself can go a long way in changing the mindset of our community.
The decision over the Transco pipeline can either make a massive change for the worse or for the better. Along with minimizing carbon dioxide emissions, canceling the pipeline will also set the tone for other sustainable, eco-friendly ideas and initiatives. As the effects of climate change start to worsen and become more severe, it is crucial that people prioritize the environment despite small daily inconveniences or longer-term sacrifices.

New Jersey has adequate natural gas pipeline capacity, utility regulator tells FERC amid Transco pipeline review. (n.d.). Utility Dive. Retrieved February 24, 2023, from