Fall Updates from Sus Rep Riley McKibben

As we head into Winter Term, the Sustainability Council celebrates an effective start to the year, having established the groundwork for upcoming initiatives. Through our biweekly full council meetings and weekly Leadership Team meetings, students have shown up in collaboration to create opportunities for the larger Lawrenceville community to engage with sustainability. Some of our highlights from the fall include:

  • Community Service organized an OTE to the Living in Love Garden where students helped to clean up the garden and also helped to finalize the winter LCAP with the Watershed Institute at Slackwood Elementary. 
  • SusCo’s Events Subcommittee has worked to provide the Lawrenceville community with engaging and educational programming, including the Fall Harvest Festival and Eyes of the Wild.
  • The Food & Farm Subcommittee has coordinated with the Big Red Farm to incorporate sustainability homegrown foods into the dining halls and in school events such as the Harvest Festival where apple pies made with the farm’s apples were served to the school community.
  • The House Subcommittee organized the House SusTeams, implemented the House composting bin initiative, and introduced the book donation program, which will be completed this winter.
  • The Outreach Committee continues to publish the VILLEage Green Newsletter, the school’s only publication dedicated to sustainability on campus and globally. At the same time, it plans to have an Instagram giveaway to increase social media presence.

This term, SusCo will be hosting Sustainuary, our month-long period of promoting environmental consciousness between January and February. We look forward to getting the Lawrenceville community involved in this tradition. 

Thank you very much to Dr. Laubach, the Leadership Team, our faculty subcommittee on SusCo and our student members for helping to facilitate these accomplishments. 

Stay sus,

Riley McKibben ‘25

Sustainability Representative

The VILLEage Green