Carbon Reduction at Lawrenceville

Many people are aware of the climate crisis. Global governments and major corporations are devising plans to reduce their carbon footprint. As a top education institution, Lawrenceville is also reviewing how to take action to protect our planet.

Lawrenceville’s main goal involving emissions reductions at this time is to research what it would take to reach a 50% reduction rate by 2035. This School is also exploring the feasibility of achieving carbon neutrality by 2045, meaning equilibrium is reached between carbon emission and absorption. Therefore, Lawrenceville is partnering with Introba, a consulting firm to create a carbon reduction plan, which includes conducting research on the school’s solar fields and energy efficiency. 

We have over 30 acres of solar fields that produce solar energy for the local grid. Solar panels are a fantastic source of renewable energy for the area but the panels are currently owned by Argo Energy, a third-party company. Lawrenceville cannot claim ownership for energy produced from the solar fields until 2027, but when the solar panels are accounted for, our carbon emissions are projected to drop by 30%. Another project Lawrenceville has worked on with Introba is increasing the efficiency of school buildings. Through AI computer modeling systems, we can assess how to use energy in the most effective and carbon conscious way possible. This information will be valuable in further reducing carbon impact. 

On the 8th of November, Introba held a presentation for the Sustainability Council on Lawrenceville’s carbon reduction plan. The firm gave examples of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs), such as infrastructure upgrades, lighting, and electrification, and their impacts on carbon reduction. Lawrenceville manages 115 buildings, and creating carbon reduction plans for all of them requires a lot of work. However, thanks to AI systems, we can analyze monthly usage data, create specific strategies for each building and calculate ECM impact. This helps us identify areas of greatest potential, as well as the most successful ECMs. Introba’s role in developing a pathway to achieve our goal is crucial in achieving carbon neutrality. Working together, Lawrenceville students can do our part in helping the world become more sustainable.


Introba, November 8th 2023 Presentation

Laubach, Stephen. The Lawrenceville School Fall 2023 Sustainability Report. 2023.

The VILLEage Green